10 Eating Disorder Affirmations to Spark Motivation in Recovery

Needing Motivation During Recovery?

Have you ever felt burnt out in eating disorder treatment? Recovery is hard – emotionally, physically and mentally. Just like there are pleasant and unpleasant days in general, this will show up in recovery too! The difficult days do not have to be an invitation to stay in the eating disorder and affirming statements can help increase motivation to continue the recovery journey you started.

cutting "I can't" out

When your mind is feeling absolutely flooded with thoughts, it can be helpful to have a simple statement, or affirmation, to come back to. This can help center and ground you in a place where you can access recovery oriented thoughts and actions.

An affirmation is a powerful statement that you want to embody. The choice of words for your recovery affirmations is important. We want to stay away from statements that begin with “I should…” or “I want to…” and really provide ourselves with opportunistic statements such as “I am…” or “I will…” that allow you to manifest what and how you want to feel. Can you feel the difference? The latter examples are more motivating.

10 Positive Affirmations for eating disorder recovery

  1. Today I will show up for my authentic self.

  2. I deserve to treat myself and my body with compassionate and healing thoughts and actions.

  3. Every step I take in recovery is a step towards the life I want to live.

  4. I am not defined by my eating disorder thoughts.

  5. I deserve to find joy in food I like.

  6. I am courageous for being in recovery and will keep going forward.

  7. I am my own being who does not need to compare myself to others.

  8. I am still in recovery on the difficult days.

  9. I embrace each new day on my journey of recovery.

  10. I invite my body along for the recovery journey with my mind.

You may be wondering, “How will I actually remember these affirmations?” Good question! Here are some ways our clients have integrated affirmations into their day to day lives:

  • Write it on a Post-it note to keep by your bedside

  • Write it on a Post-it note to keep in your car

  • Create an image and make it the lockscreen of your phone

  • Use a dry erase marker and write it on a mirror; this can be in your bedroom, your bathroom or wherever you have a mirror you frequently see yourself in

  • Share it with a loved one whom you reach out to during tough times so they can remind you of your meaningful affirmation

  • If crafting is something you are passionate about, incorporate it into your current project

If you need more support, reach out to us today. Recovery is possible!

Stay nourished,

The team at Namaste Nourished


Hunger and Fullness in Eating Disorder Recovery